Photos 5 ingredients for a 90’s Boyband photoshoot… 1: Find some boys 2: Wear a white t-shirt or a vest 3: Spray yourself down with water 4: Give your best sexy look 😜 5: At least one band member to have a curtains hairstyle #throwbackthursday #boyband #90s #photoshoot September 10, 2020
Photos 2020 has been a challenge for You & I. I have a challenge for YOU in 2021. Let me know below if YOU are up for a challenge. #upforthechallenge #readyforit #challengeaccepted #Challenge #imready #letsdothis #areyouupforit #watchthisspace #2021 #B3021 September 9, 2020
Photos “The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step” Be patient ❤️ #MondayMotivation #LaoTzu #Quote September 7, 2020
Photos Throwback to 1996 😁 BIG magazine, remember them? What was your favourite teen mag back in the day? Let me know below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 #throwbackthursday #Boyband #90s #bigmagazine #Photoshoot September 3, 2020
Photos If you hate a Monday, just sing a 90’s Boyband song and do a dance routine and you’ll be sorted 😎 Time to transform into a Boyband member today for our first gig since March! Let’s hope we can remember what to do 🤪 #MondayMotivation #Boyband #90s #Bodyshakin #Gig August 31, 2020
Photos Dream on the outside… there’s still time! This weekend I’ll be starting something that will lead to some qualifications if I apply myself, focus, work hard and discipline myself. I’ve learnt a lot about this already over many years and decided I wanted to be certified. Over the next 6 months I’ll hopefully gain two qualifications which will go towards something I’m doing in 2021. Watch this space 🙏🏻 I’ll always do 911 gigs as it’s something me and the lads enjoy, but I have other personal dreams too. It’s never too late to start something new, never too late to dream on the outside ❤️ #quoteoftheday #quotes #quote #dream #challenge August 28, 2020
Photos It’s International Dog Day! Here’s my beautiful little Poppy after her cut ‘no blow dry. She’s 13 years old ❤️ #internationaldogday #kingcharlescavalier #poppy August 26, 2020
Photos Be A Strawberry Anyway ❤️ Have a great week!x #MondayMotivation #Quote #BeAStrawberryAnyway August 24, 2020
Photos Say cheese! Smile while you still have teeth 😁 #ThrowbackThursday #Boyband #90s #Smile #LifeIsShort #Quote August 20, 2020
Photos Nips ‘R’ us! Bit of #WorkoutWednesday #Fitness #Workout #Gym #YouCan @barriemarkpt August 19, 2020
Photos Letter I wrote to 911 fans in 1997. ‘It’s been our ambition from the start to do an arena tour’ #90s #Boyband #Curtains Picture by @dave_snapper_willis August 19, 2020
Photos Well spotted that the top pic in my last post wasn’t my car and had more doors than my car. I confused myself 😂 Basically I wanted a black wrap so sent a pic to dealer of what I wanted. This pic is how my car looked in a black wrap and now looks in grey after wrap taken off 😂🙈 99% of you said grey looked better and after 4 years of having a black wrap I agree. Should have changed it earlier 😆 Grey or black??? #ShouldHaveGoneToSpecsavers #TransformationTuesday August 18, 2020
Photos Monday mindfulness. Words are powerful.. be kind to you! ❤️ #MondayMotivation #BeKind #Kindness #InspirationalQuotes #quotesoftheday August 16, 2020
Photos Sexy Sunday 😂 1st ever photoshoot. We did anything back then 🙈 We are now taking bookings for our next topless shoot 😎 #90s #Boyband August 16, 2020