Be kind to your mind ❤️ #WorldMentalHealthDay When we feel stuck, many of us feel that we don’t want to burden others with our ‘stuff’. Whether it’s fear of judgement, thinking reaching out for help makes us weak, or feelings we’ve failed if we have to ask for help. It’s completely natural to feel like that, but the truth is, we don’t have to manage something solo. It’s OKAY to take that first step and ask for help, whether that’s family, friends, a counsellor, a help line. We all deserve to unclutter our mind and get rid of stuff that no longer serves us. Everything you are looking for is already inside you, but sometimes we just need a pair of ears to listen, to help us make sense of our thoughts and feelings and to understand our ‘stuff’ A little encouragement, a reminder how amazing we are ❤️ Be kind to your mind ❤️